Tuesday, 15 October 2013


The study of sign processes, signs and symbols, or communication and signification is known as Semiotics. Semiotics was first invented by a linguist and philosopher called Saussure, he was from Switzerland and his ideas found many significant developments in linguistics and semiotics in today's society.

Semiotics is usually divided into three different branches, Semantics, Syntatics and Pragmatics, these three branches are similar but have differences in them. Semantics is the relation between the sign and the things in which they refer, while Syntactics is the relations among signs in formal structures and then Pragmatics are the relation between signs and then the effects on the people who use them.

We looked at several different signs and advertisements to understand the uses of semiotics. One of the signs we was shown was the universal symbol for the women's toilets. We use this image as it conveys that the area is for women only, and the woman's figure on the sign is widely recognized. Also there is no font used in this sign, this is useful as it can be understood worldwide. The symbol is that the figure is used internationally and it has the meaning everywhere you go.

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